How Much Should I Water My Lawn?


Water conservation isn’t the only reason to limit the amount of
water you give your lawn. Overwatering is also bad for your lawn’s health and
can contribute to the development of fungus and disease. Many people, however,
don’t know that they’re overwatering. Some types of grass require more water
than others, and environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, and
wind, can dramatically affect how frequently you need to water your lawn.
Fortunately, the most accurate way to determine whether your lawn needs water
is also the easiest: just look at the grass. When grass needs water, it will
begin to take on a blue-gray tint, and the older leaf blades on the plant will
begin to curl up or wilt. In addition, footprints will remain on the grass for
longer than usual, as the grass won’t “bounce back.” When 30-50% of
your lawn shows these symptoms, it’s time to water.